Saturday 28 February 2015


A welcome Note
The Lord bless you and keep you dear readers. We welcome you back to our 14th Edition of the Good News Magazine. We are thankful to God for His sustenance, His mercies which are new every morning, His love to us and care. More so, we thank Him for the hope He Has given us. We are glad to have another moment to share with you what the Lord has bestowed unto us. In this edition we are going to share more about life’s storms and whom to always run to when enraged with boisterous winds of life.
We live in a world full of troubles and trials. Everywhere we hear of wars, catastrophes, hunger, sickness and diseases. It is a world where we dwell. As Christians there is a place where we will one day go and live eternally, heaven. Jesus went to prepare that place for us. Though many times we face so much tribulation, and some trials which we can never understand, the Lord wants us to completely trust Him. Faith and trust in God is all we need. When faced with such diversity, let’s learn to turn our storms over to God who has control of everything.

We cannot see down the roads we travel.  There will be encounters we cannot envision, cannot see for they lie around the bend in the roads of our life. Sometimes it takes only the ringing of the telephone to change an entire well-made plan, bringing us to truths we hope we never hear such as the death of a beloved relative or the news that someone we care deeply for has an incurable illness.  There might be a knock on the door that brings life-changing news that will break our hearts. But it is in the midst of uncertainty and trials, as we move unsteadily on the brim of a chasm wondering what to do, imploring God with hope to come forth for us. Through faith, we are able to pull ourselves up from the edge of unspeakable hardship to keep moving forward on our heaven bound journey.  It is a time when we can understand and measure our capacity to endure, to assess our strength and continue through life’s fiercest turbulence.
The Bible does not remain silent in regard to storms. As a matter of fact, Jesus took His disciples right into the midst of one. As they continued with their journey and the storms raging, Jesus had already taken a nap. Do you ever feel as though the Lord was sleeping while you faced your storms alone?

Jesus' disciples experienced the exact same thing. After a long day of ministering to the crowds, Jesus told the disciples they were going over to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. They were obeying Jesus' command when they boarded their ships just as evening was falling. Jesus led His disciples into a storm just as the light was failing. Mark 4:35-38 tells us what really happened.
And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side. And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. And there were also with him other little ships. And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?

Before they knew it, a terrible storm hit and their boat was full of water. We all know what happens to a boat when it gets full of water: it sinks. If you had Jesus in your boat, wouldn't you feel pretty safe even if you were in the middle of a terrible storm, even if it looked as though your boat was going to sink?

Obviously the disciples didn't feel very safe; they became very alarmed and were afraid for their lives. What was Jesus doing through all this? He was asleep in the back of the boat. How could anyone sleep through a storm that was so bad the waves were crashing across the boat, filling it with water, and threatening imminent destruction for all?

Is it possible that Jesus was not concerned because He knew (being the Son of God) that it was not in God's plan for the disciples to all sink in this storm? Is it possible that Jesus (being the Son of God) knew something about the destiny of His chosen ones?
...and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?
How many times have we reacted to circumstances in our lives, asking the Lord, "Don't you care that I am suffering so much? Why don't you DO something?" This was exactly how the disciples reacted to their troubles.

Remember: Jesus is right there in the boat with them and they are terrified. How does Jesus react to their fear? Does He comfort them and tell them everything will be okay?
Mark 4:39-41 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith? And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?
Jesus was incredulous. He couldn't believe they were afraid after seeing so many miracles, deliverance, and had walked with Him for so long. He couldn't believe their lack of faith.
We need not fear the terrible storm that comes upon us, because the Lord is in control of all circumstances in our lives. Nothing can happen to you that is not "allowed" by the Lord. Remember that Satan had to ask God's permission before he could strike Job and harm him?
The Lord knows what plans He has for us; He will not be thwarted by any storms. Every child of God has a destiny to fulfill. You will not be easily dismayed or discouraged when you encounter the storms of life. Isaiah 46:10 says this: Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:
Do you despair even of life? Take heart! Be strong! Rely on God, who raises the dead! Jesus is in the boat! Apostle Paul makes this clearer as he too had storms come his way. 2Cor. 1:8-9 For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life: But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead:

Finally, I would like us to ask ourselves this question: Is Jesus in the boat with you? Are we going where He told us, or following our own path? This is so important.  If we have gone our own way, we must ask the Lord to forgive us, turn away from our sin (going our own way is sin), then make a declaration that Jesus is Lord of our lives, and follow Him with your whole heart. Just saying the sinner's prayer is not enough. We must follow Him. We must read the Word of God and know our Lord and Master's voice when He speaks.

Maybe you are going exactly where the Lord directed; you are obeying His voice. If so, you will still encounter the storm in the middle of your journey. You must have faith that Jesus is in the boat with you. You must be strong and continue until you have fully obeyed, crossing to the other side.

Maybe you are going where Jesus led you, but you derive no comfort from knowing Jesus is in your boat. Is it possible that you don't really know your God. Do you know of His character, love, holiness, majesty, power, wisdom, justice, mercy, that He is slow to anger, quick to forgive, all-knowing, the wonderful counselor, mighty God. Do you know your God? Do you know the Great Shepherd's voice, and do you obey? You can know the Lord through immersing yourself in the Word of God. You must renew your mind, washing away all worldliness, all human reasoning, putting on the mind of Christ. Know your God!

Once you are sure that you are going where the Lord directed you and that you know your God, as you face the many storms in your life, be confident that Jesus is in the boat with you; there is no reason to fear the storm. If you do not lose heart you will reach the other side.
I encourage you with this verse, Joshua 1:9, Have not I commanded thee?  Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
Remember, Jesus never sleeps. He is always attentive to our cries. He often tests our faith. Let’s learn to keep our eyes focused on Him at all times for the storms in life are actually our very catalysts into a more triumphant life, we usually walk through trouble in order to be triumphant!
Therefore, have faith in God. Hebrews 11:6, But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

March is known as “the windy month”.  It’s the month where supposedly, the cold winds are blown out to allow the gentle warming breezes of spring enter in.  We all know the damage that wind can bring, and because of this, the fears that can come with it.  Wind can be looked at as literal or metaphorically.  Either way, I'm here to tell you that the One who created the wind is the very same One who can calm that wind.  Let's take a look at what God's word has to say about this topic. 

Matthew 8:26-27 gives us an excellent example of this. Jesus had been preaching and teaching...and He needed a period of rest to refresh Himself.  Remember, while here on Earth, He was both God and Man...fully each.  So the human aspect of Christ required food and rest just as we do.  If He did not have the same human attributes, His dying on the cross would have had no effect...for any human could die and say he's doing it for a cause...but only a man who is also GOD has the power and ability to either say “no, I don't want to do this” or out of love, lay His life down willingly for a group of people who hated Him in the end.  Sure. They loved Him while He was feeding them, and healing the sick, and casting out devils....but look how quickly they turned from saying, “Hosanna Hosanna!” to “Crucify Him!”   We are a fickle people.

So, as Jesus had no permanent earthly dwelling place to go to at the end of the day, He and His disciples climbed into a boat to sail across to the other side. During this time, in His weary state, Jesus fell asleep to rest.  In the midst of this, a great storm arose, the wind was such that the disciples were fearful...full of fear.  The first thing I draw from the example given in Matthew 8 is that when the disciples were fearful, who did they turn to?  It was to Jesus...because they knew that He had the ability to help them! That's something we can all tuck back in the recesses of our minds;  that we can trust Jesus with our fears and  problems...that all we need do is have faith that He is able. 

Let's read what comes next in Matthew 8:24-27 ~ “And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves;  but he was asleep.  And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us; we perish.  And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?  Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.  But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!”

I can only imagine how awestruck the disciples were to see this man stand up, tell the wind to stop, and the winds obey Him!  Trust me, there have been many times when I've looked out the window and begged the snow to stop, but it is deaf to my voice! But Jesus Christ just speaks to a force of nature, the wind, and it obeys Him; the perfect example of creation obeying its Creator. How magnificent!

But immediately before Christ does this, He asks and then answers His own question in one statement, “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?”  These men were fearful, which is a human response, however, remember that these men had been living, following, eating, sleeping and witnessing Jesus' care for them daily...and yet, having seen all that they've seen and experiencing all they've experienced, they still had not grasped the concept to “trust Him”.

Do we not fall into the same category at times?  Aren't there times where circumstances arise where we throw our hands up and just don't know what we're going to do?  Fearful of what's going to happen next, or how we're going to get out of a situation?  Are we too fearful because we have such little faith?  I dare say, I have some self examining to do.

The final point I found so very interesting in this encounter is how the disciples approached Him.  First of all, they called upon Jesus;  And when they did, the very words they cried out to Him with were, “Lord, save us!”.   Are these not the very same words we need to cry out to Jesus Christ with in order to be saved eternally?  He urges us to come to Him, to call upon His Name, and because He promised He would, salvation is obtained...just as with the disciples.

The account we read about in Matthew is true; historically and Biblically, because God has said it is so in His inerrant Word.  However, this account can also be applied metaphorically.  How many times in our own lives, through troubles, trials, burdens, the cares of this world, relationships, or disabilities have we felt wind-tossed as if we were just being blown all over the place and our entire universe is out of control?  I know, there have been times in my life where circumstances beyond my control left me temporarily reeling.  However, those storms are calmed by first of all having faith in Jesus Christ;  The One who was able to calm the literal storm and also calm your personal storm. That was the first thing Christ pointed out to His disciples was that they were of little faith.  That tells us, that if we have accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior, the Blessed Controller of our life and we continue to have faith and trust that He knows what is best for us, He will indeed save us as He did the disciples.  He will take us through anything and everything life brings our way. 

No matter how strong the storms of life are or the winds of trials and troubles, only Jesus Christ can calm those storms and our hearts.  Brothers and Sisters, hold fast in the faith and the promises of Christ and His word, also comfort, encourage and edify each other as His desire is for us to love each other as He loves us.

If you have not yet taken that step to cry out to Jesus Christ alone, “Lord, save us”, please do so today.  Don't wait another moment.  We have no idea how long our life on this earth will be.  We just don't have that luxury.  But we can have the luxury of assurance of eternal salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.  1 John 1:9 tells us, “But if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”   How do we know that a broken and contrite heart that calls upon the Name of the Lord has assurance of salvation?  Because Acts 16:31 tells us, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”  There are no if's, and's, or but's in that verse. Believe that He died on the cross for YOUR sin (and mine!) confess that you know you are a sinner bound for hell as we are all born with a sin nature and none of us are worthy, repent and turn to Him, and you are a new born babe in Christ Jesus!  John 14:6 has Christ telling us, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man commeth unto the Father but by Me.” There is NO other way to have assurance of salvation, and it cannot be Jesus “plus” anything...not Jesus plus works, or Jesus plus anything else.  It's through Christ ALONE!



In this life, Jesus never promised us that life would be easy, but He did pray for us. In John17:14 He prayed, I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Jesus knew that if the world hated Him, it would hate us as well. He knew that we would face every type of storm as long as we live in this world. It is clear that we can only experience true peace when we wholly rely on God. We receive intimidation from every corner, sometimes it looks like a big whirl wind which can destroy us, but if we focus on Jesus and call upon His Name, He will surely save us.
May be somewhere in our lives we might have been impatient: it could be impatient to get married, impatient to get a new job, or impatient to move to the other side of town. While in this situation we never took time to check things out with God, and we sailed right off into the awaiting storms. This reminds me of Apostle Paul who after warning the centurion and pleading with him, he opted to listen to the captain and the owner of the ship rather than Paul. This got them all into trouble. Acts 27:10-11 And said unto them, Sirs, I perceive that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage, not only of the lading and ship, but also of our lives. Nevertheless the centurion believed the master and the owner of the ship, more than those things which were spoken by Paul.
It is important that we take heed of Godly advice and learn to hear God’s voice and obey His instructions lest we fall right into the seas of trouble...
When we are caught in a crisis, we typically react in different ways. Because the sailors couldn’t head into the wind, “And when the ship was caught, and could not bear up into the wind, we let her drive.” (Acts 27:15).
The first thing that storms tend to do is to cause us to drift. We let go of our goals. We forget where we are headed. We forget our mission. We forget whom we belong to and who has called us. We forget our values and start drifting.
Because they were not equipped with compasses and the stars were completely obscured by the storm, the sailors were in total darkness. When you are in a dark situation, you drift. The waves beat you back and forth, and you are led wherever they take you. Your problems batter you back and forth. It is a time like this that one feels you have reached the end of ourselves.
Things didn’t get any better on the Apostle Paul’s voyage to Rome. And we being exceedingly tossed with a tempest, the next day they lightened the ship; And the third day we cast out with our own hands the tackling of the ship. And when neither sun nor stars in many days appeared, and no small tempest lay on us, all hope that we should be saved was then taken away— Acts 27:18-20
When a crisis emerges for us, first we start drifting, then we start discarding things from our lives. With the sailors it was first the cargo, then the ship’s tackle, eventually their food (Acts 27:38), and finally themselves (Acts 27:43–44)! They all jumped overboard and started swimming to shore. Often, when we find ourselves in a crisis of life, we are tempted to throw out the very things that are important to us because we are under pressure and want to get rid of it all. We become impulsive. We give up on our dreams. We run out on relationships. We throw away values that we learned as children. In an extreme crisis we eventually get to the point of despair and the last thing we throw out is hope.
The sailors gave up hope because they had forgotten that God was in control. They forgot that God had a plan. They forgot that God can inject hope into an absolutely hopeless situation. Storms are simply temporary setbacks toward fulfilling that purpose.
When trouble strikes, we sometimes forget our knowledge of God too. We struggle to recall past answers to prayer, specific guidance provided by the Holy Spirit, and lessons learned in previous crises. Only the present seems real. Our minds spin with future implications, and our troubled emotions inhibit clear thinking. In our own strength, we lack sufficient resources and abilities to meet life's challenges. So God provides what we need. Our suffering is never a surprise to the Lord. He knows everything we are going through. More than that, He’s orchestrating our circumstances for His glory and our benefit, according to His good will. John11:40,  Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?
Absolutely nothing can change God’s ultimate purpose for our lives unless we choose to disobey Him. If we choose to reject His plan, He will allow us to do that, but the Scriptures teach that no outside person can change God’s plan for your life. God leaves that up to us. No matter what happens on the outside, external forces cannot alter God’s purpose for our lives as long as you say, “God, I want to do your will.” God’s purpose is greater than any situation you will ever experience. God has a plan beyond the problems you might be facing right now.
Let God’s truth stabilize your life and give you the confidence you need in every crisis you face. Storms cannot hide God from you or you from God. God has a purpose for your life. There is a reason for it all, and you are going to make it safely to land! Just hold on, trust Him, never lose hope!



From every stormy wind that blows,
From every swelling tide of woes,
There is a calm, a sure retreat--
'Tis found beneath the mercy seat.

There is a place where Jesus sheds
The oil of gladness on our heads,
A place than all besides more sweet--
It is the blood-bought mercy seat.

There is a scene where spirits blend,
Where friend holds fellowship with friend;
Though sundered far, by faith they meet
Around one common mercy seat.

There, there on eagle's wings we soar,
And time and sense seem all no more,
And heaven comes down our souls to greet,
And glory crowns the mercy seat.

The storms of Life - Royston Allen
Sometimes sad things happen in our life
they flare up suddenly and cause us strife.
The barriers that we put up against the flow
break down in floods of tears and sorrow.

Troubles fall like raindrops pelting down
welling into a flood in which we might drown. 
We do our utmost to cope with the strain
but so many hurts cause our soul much pain.

Like in storms the raindrops seem really huge
and they gather into an irresistible deluge.
They test the fortitude of our minds defence
and when they burst through the pain's intense.

As we lay in bed in the early hours of the day
we cannot withstand them to our dismay.
They come crashing in like a forceful torrent
causing tears to flow out of us as we lament.

We cry out in anguish great sobs of sorrow
at the pain that comes as we work them through. 
Our hearts despair at the turmoil that they bring
overwhelmed, we feel unable to do anything. 

We become less resistant as the years go by
unable to withstand them and we wonder why
our human frailty is being tested to this extent
straining under the weight of our predicament.

We feel the deep hurt and the pain they bring
and would rather live in a world of no suffering.
They add to the burden of each passing day
and we would that they were banished away.

Sorrows well up from deep within our soul
as the anguish and suffering takes it toll.
It reminds us of the great 'Man of Sorrows'
who feels all our heartache, pains and woes.

'Come to me Oh weary one' Jesus said
'lay down your burdens at my feet instead.
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light
you'll find rest for your soul, it will be alright.'

We rise up from our bed of pain and gloom
and find our way to that blessed upper room.
There we sit at the feet of the Lord and cry out
wondering what these sufferings are all about.

We lay our burdens down at His feet there
knowing He understands, we rest in His care.
Then we pour out our soul and to Him reveal
the deep sorrow and the sadness that we feel.

The storm subsides and the sorrows cease
as He brings to our soul that heavenly peace
and the healing balm that only He can bring
permeates into the depths of our inner being.

We feel Him lifting us out of our despair
as we rest in the sanctity of His presence there.
We look up and gaze into His wonderful face
and feel deep healing of our soul taking place.

His arms enfold us in His love and we can sense
the preciousness of His wonderful presence.
We rest awhile held in His loving embrace
as peace returns and deep healing takes place. 

The sorrows of the world will always be here
they dog our steps and will not just disappear.
But with the Lord these troubles do not defeat
because we can lay them there at His blessed feet.

But this earthly life we live will not always be
and a time will come when our soul is set free.
And in that heavenly kingdom where Christ reigns
God Himself will remove our tears and pains.

No death, no sorrow and no pain shall endure
and these earthly sorrows will plaque us no more.
They will be replaced by heavenly joy and love 
as we stand in the presence of our Lord above. 



MY TESTIMONY – By Omari Amadi
I was born 36 years ago in a Christian family of 6 children, being the fourth born. My father was so strict, given that he was an evangelist. He used to preach to patients in Hospitals and Prisons, and he was also a member of National Hospital Christian Fellowship.
Despite all this, we were living in dire poverty, we could not afford two proper meals a day, Dad could not afford to pay our school fees, forcing my elder siblings to drop out of school. I was so bitter with God, for I could not understand how He could allow all this bad things to happen to us, when my father was busy serving Him. I was so confused to an extent of refusing an altar call made by one of invited preachers who had come to preach in our municipality and he was residing at our place. All of my siblings heed to the call and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and their personal savior, I knew there will be a repercussion from my dad, but still I refused, I was 11 years old and in class 5.
I finished my Education in 1997, and decided to visit my elder brother who was working at the capital city, vowing, not to return home.
When I landed to Nairobi, at my brother’s house, I thought life would be easy. But to my surprise, life was so hard, that I was forced to look for a manual job. I landed in a video hall job showing all manner of movies and secular music at Kibra slums, which is one of the largest informal settlements in Africa. 
Life continued to be hard, it reached a time my brother decided enough is enough and chased me away from his house due to my bad behavior and funny habits (All manner of Immorality). One day my uncle called  and advised me accordingly, regarding life. He spoke to his boss and I was given a chance to work as a casual worker in their company. I had worked for two years, and I was still struggling in life,  I was struggling in all aspects of life, financially and  health wise. I used to take medicine on daily basis. Since I was Asthmatic, and was working in a very dusty environment, a company that deals in manufacturing of furniture. I used to walk to and from work cause I couldn’t afford bus fare.
One day in May 2009, as I was walking back home  from work, I reached a place called Soweto, in Kibra Slums, and found a crusade going on. The message preached was from the book of John 15:7 which said, If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. While the preaching was going on, I remembered how my Dad used to pray and preach back then, but because of ignorant, instead of listening to him, we could question his salvation, simply because we were living in poverty.
 Before the crusade came to end, the preacher called for an altar call, which I responded hastily. On Sunday I attended the service at Church, as a new convert in Christ, and thereafter professed Christian faith to date.
After a lot of teachings and understanding from the word of God, in mid 2003, together with my wife, we stood with the word of God in the book of Isaiah 65: 23 that says: They shall not labor in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them.
Our second born child “Esther Hadassah” was born normal, through divine intervention. Brethren, please note that, Earlier before knowing Christ my wife delivered our first born through caesarean. In mid 2006, again, God visited us and healed me divinely from asthma which had imprisoned me for many years. In December the same year God blessed and promoted me from casual work to permanent job.

Today, I can testify confidently without any reasonable doubt that my redeemer liveth, He picked me out from ashes where the enemy had put me, cleansed me with His precious blood, and lifted me up to dine with the rulers and kings. Today I am a manager at “Simple Media Solutions”. He has revealed Himself to me as Jehovah Jire, my provider Jehovah Rapha, my healer.

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