
Thursday, 31 May 2018


Difficult Times Will Always Be There - By Justus Ondieki 

Precious friends and readers of the Good News Magazine, hello and welcome back to our 53rd Edition. We pray and hope that this editio
n will encourage you and propel you to walk faithfully with God even when in dire situations…
“I tell you, if you come to Jesus Christ everything will be ok! On Jesus’ side it is joy and happiness! No problems when you are with Jesus; come repent and your troubles will end!” Unfortunately these words which were uttered in a crusade a few years back by an upcoming televangelist aren‟t true.

It is very unscriptural to tell people that when you get born again you will have a better life free of problems. Jesus Himself lived amongst us, He went through trials and temptations while on earth and He overcame the world. Look what Jesus told His disciples in John 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Although we have God's favorable presence, although we look sometimes happy and at peace in Christ as if we aren't going through some hot stuff, as a matter of fact we cry a lot until we find solace from the Lord.

Let no one therefore lie to you that when you come to Jesus there won‟t be suffering…As long as we are living here on earth we will continue to encounter many challenges and trials…But It is also true that it is only through Jesus Christ that we have peace with God, and so in Him we have peace in our own minds.

How Do We React To Problems?

How do you respond to difficult situations? Do we fret and get angry because God did not do something about our situation? Are you questioning God frequently and complaining almost about everything? Wait a minute, Will you believe it if I told you that besides your suffering, besides your trials, God has a better plan for you? Many people in the Bible like Naomi went through a lot...
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