
Monday, 3 July 2017


There's Just Something About The Name JESUS! By M. Deborah Senese

Most people hear the name, Jesus, and think of that babe laying in a manger as in the nativity scene
(which by the way, the wise men weren't there. They came when Jesus was a toddler!). For others,
when they hear the name, Jesus, they think of the cross, where He no longer is, but has risen from the dead and is on the right hand side of His Father. But for others still, they hear the name, Jesus, and there is much hatred, disdain and ignorance as they do not really know Him or anything about Him.

Just what they have seen lived in others, professed by those who also don't really know Him, or slandered by others who hate Him. I'm here to tell you that the beautiful name of Jesus, the most precious, sweetest name I know. He is my everything, my all in all, my Redeemer, the lover of my soul, my Savior and my Salvation. He is also so very precious to His Father.
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